Ten Clean Pigs


By Carol Roth

ê 英文介紹

Kids really dig pigs, and this book is twice the fun. One side features ten clean pigs, counting one by one as they get out of the bath and get all cleaned up. By the time you reach 10, they are all dressed and playing in the mud - now they aren't clean anymore!

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                                          Ten Dirty Pigs

Ten Dirty Pigs  

                                         by Carol Roth

ê 英文介紹

A very dirty pig gets into the bathtub, and soon his piggy friend is giving him a good scrub. Then three dirty pigs get into the tub to get clean. Nails are brushed, ears and tails are washed, backs are scrubbed, and before long, there are ten pigs in the tub – who are all clean!


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      A  Cat and a Dog


by Claire Maurel/Bob Kolar

ê 英文介紹

A cat and a dog live in the same house, but they are not friends. They fight all the time, about everything. One day, Dog's ball bounces up into a tree and is stuck. Cat's stuffed mouse falls into the pond. Dog can't climb. Cat can't swim. What are they going to do?

ê 中文介紹

小貓和小狗同住在一個屋簷下。可是, 他們的感情很不好,常常吵架。直到有一天, 小貓的玩具老鼠掉到池塘裡了,小狗的球彈得太高,卡在樹上時,才發現彼此需要對方的幫忙,於是從此化敵為友。

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              My Mom


  By Anthony Browne

ê 英文介紹

 At the beginning, we first meet Mom over a cup of coffee, wearing a floral robe. To her child she is a fantastic cook, a brilliant juggler, a great painter! She is as beautiful as a butterfly. She is as comfy as an armchair. I love my mom. And you know what? SHE LOVES ME! (And she always will.)

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     Otto the Cat



      By Gail Herman


ê 英文介紹


Otto is a lucky cat. He has his own house, his own bed, his own car, and his own bowl! He has everything he wants!

One day, a dog follows Otto home. Will Otto share everything he has with the dog?


ê 文介紹 (引據誠品書店)

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There's a Bear in my Bed



  ê 英文介紹 

Ben doesn’t want to go to sleep- until he finds a bear between his covers! Ben’s secret cookies and William Bear’s stories make bedtime fun!

ê 中文介紹 

Ben一點都不想上床睡覺!可是,媽媽不停的催促,他只好抱起他的泰迪熊,心不干情不願的往臥室走。咦?竟有聲音從臥室傳來,呼,呼,呼… Ben 揉了揉眼睛,不敢置信的看著在床上睡得香熟的大熊… 這下子,Ben 該怎麼做呢? 

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Don't Wake the Baby!




我挑了一本東西圖書出版的大書 Don't Wake the Baby


果真  今天圖書館孩子們的反應也很不錯

大家都屏氣凝神的聽故事  不想把小 baby 吵醒了

故事結束後  Casper 前來給我一個熱情的擁抱


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Hippo Has A Hat (By Julia Donaldson)


ê 英文介紹 

Lots of clothes! Let's try them. Maybe we can buy them. Zebra's zipper is stuck and Toad's tracksuit is far too big, but Flamingo finds a stylish bag, and Caterpillar's shoes are really cool!

ê 中文介紹 

大家一起去逛街!河馬挑帽子、老虎挑襯衫… 家挑的好開心!一定要打扮得漂漂亮亮的!可是,服飾店內的狀況也不少哩!你看,斑馬的拉鏈卡住了! 蟾蜍的運動服太小了! 小豬的牛仔褲太緊了!Nick Sharratt筆下各種活潑的動物,讓孩子看了忍不住跟著手舞足蹈,Julia Donaldson有趣又好唸的韻文故事,輕鬆建立小朋友的閱讀自信心。


ê 故事字彙 

hat 帽子


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Washing Line (by Jez Alborough)


ê 英文介紹 

Whose are those enormous underpants, those stripy socks, that tiny dress, hanging on the washing line? Which animals do they belong to?

ê 中文介紹 (引據麥克外文書店介紹)

故事從曬衣繩的這一端開始,大象問:「曬衣繩上掛的是誰的襪子?」紅鶴穿著彩色的長襪子說:「這是我的!」。這是本具有巧思與創意的翻翻書,所有的答案都藏在翻頁裡,接二連三,動物們都一個個都跳了出來。Jez Alborough清新簡單的畫風,突顯出整個主題的輪廓。這是本數學概念、練習配對與拼湊組合的主題繪本,讓孩子依循著線索,猜猜看圖書的主人到底是誰?!



washing line 曬衣繩    


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           Little Croc


Illustrated by Emma Dodd

ê 英文介紹 

Little Croc is worried about how small he is. Will he ever grow? Find out the ribbon at the end of the story.

ê 中文介紹 

小鱷魚看著池中的自己,覺得好傷心,為什麼自己這麼嬌小呢?牠問了大猩猩為什麼可以so big?大猩猩說因為牠吃了黃色香蕉;又再問了大獅子,大獅子說因為牠吃了美味的葡萄呀!問了體型龐大的大象,牠說因為牠吃了甜美的鳳梨...。最後小鱷魚問了同伴大鱷魚,「我可以長得像你一樣高大嗎?」 大鱷魚說:「不用擔心,時機成熟時你就會長的和我一樣高大囉!」小鱷魚會不會變得像大猩猩、大獅子、大象和大鱷魚一樣又高又大呢?


ê 故事字彙

crocodile 鱷魚  

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