My Mom
By Anthony Browne
ê 英文介紹
At the beginning, we first meet Mom over a cup of coffee, wearing a floral robe. To her child she is a fantastic cook, a brilliant juggler, a great painter! She is as beautiful as a butterfly. She is as comfy as an armchair. I love my mom. And you know what? SHE LOVES ME! (And she always will.)
ê 中文介紹
ê 故事字彙
mom 媽媽
woman 女人
nice 很棒
I love my mom. 我愛我的媽媽
故事開始前 先和孩子們聊聊月份 日期的說法
雖然日期都是由 1~31 數字組成 可是讀法大不相同呢
當數字時 1 (one), 2 (two), 3 (three), 4 (four)
當日期時 1st (first), 2nd (second), 3rd (third), 4th (fourth)
請孩子們隨我從 1日讀到 31日後
圈出第 2 個星期日 孩子們早就知道是母親節
The second Sunday of May is Mother's Day!
Mother's Day is on May 13th.
小帥哥 Porter: 這本書和之前說過的故事書好像喔!
今天特別 high 的老師: 咦?! 被你們發現了嗎?
之前說過的故事書現在在書架上 我們請 Porter拿過來好嗎?
原來也是 Anthony Browne 的 "My Dad" (之前父親節我選用的繪本)
要不是我先喊暫停 他們可能會無盡止的討論下去...
也是很好的教育時機 (teaching moment)
當場便大大地誇獎了Porter 一番 不但有敏銳的觀察力 記憶力也好!
結果 Porter 酷酷的說: 我早就發現了! 我只是沒說而已! (為人師偷笑中 )
ê 延伸活動 1) 母親節歌曲 Happy Mother’s Day to You
Happy Mother's Day (Tune: London Bridge)
Happy Mother's Day to you, day to you, day to you.
Happy Mother's Day to you, I love you.
Hugs and kisses just for you, just for you, just for you.
Hugs and kisses just for you, I love you.
ê 延伸活動 2) 製作溫馨母親卡 A Card for My Mother
ê 延伸活動3) 自由創作 Creative Writing
老師先做示範 She is as beautiful as a butterfly.
再來不用我說 大家都爭先恐後"搶頭香"
大家的媽媽都有不同的特色 很有趣
Sunny 很有創意 聽聽她的說法
She is a Santa Claus.
She is a basket full of food.
Jimmy 家開公司 媽媽這陣子喜歡玩臉書 他的說法是
She is a big boss.
She is a good computer games player.
Brian 說媽媽很善良像小白兔
She is as nice as a rabbit.
Porter 的媽媽是畫畫老師而且會變魔術
She is a great painter.
She is a magician.
Diego: She is as patient as a kangaroo.
接下來請他們將句子抄到Step book上
明明有大桌子 他們就喜歡趴在地上或小椅子上寫字
很用心的Eva 心目中的媽媽 瞧一瞧~
My mom is a fantastic painter.
My mom is a good cook.
My mom is a great story-teller.
幼稚園故事班的自由創作雖簡化許多 但不失重點喔!
大班 Kenny: She is a smart woman.
大班 Ajay: She is a big boss.