目前分類:圖書館英文故事志工 (23)

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Don't Wake the Baby!




我挑了一本東西圖書出版的大書 Don't Wake the Baby


果真  今天圖書館孩子們的反應也很不錯

大家都屏氣凝神的聽故事  不想把小 baby 吵醒了

故事結束後  Casper 前來給我一個熱情的擁抱


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Pig Out!



我這次要分享的故事是 Pig Out



而且今天有照片為證  紀錄起來就更完整了

謝謝熱心的Carol 媽咪幫忙照相喔

會認識 Carol 這麼古錐的 一家人


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天氣冷颼颼的 不知有沒有小朋友來聽故事呢?


其中一本是 Eric Carle "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"

算是我最早買的一本大書 算算也有七 八年了吧

一些內頁已脫落  是該保養的時候了

雖然天氣不佳  還是有孩子前來聽故事

很巧地  遇到了大班的 Jimmy

也多認識了活潑外向的 Daniel

Daniel 媽媽說是被我的聲音吸引進來的 (哈 歹勢 歹勢)

媽媽想為 Daniel 的英語學習紮實地鋪路  可是苦惱在不知如何著手

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我將它稱為 win-win situation



一來  節省我選繪本的時間  一魚兩吃

再來  我有反省修正的機會  通常第二次的故事說演會精彩許多

所以  明天的故事時間  想必大家都猜到我要分享的故事了


說完故事時的心情是? 我只能說我想準備對家長說的話...吞了回去

老實說  今天要出門至圖書館的心情是"心不甘  情不願的"  為什麼呢?

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11/19 明天來說個什麼故事呢? 從新書區來挑吧!

11/20 Wendy 建議我說狐狸精"剋"母雞的故事  好耶! 就這麼辦


我的"班底"今天都缺席了  有些失望

出席的是從未謀面的小朋友  想想  也不錯  又多認識了一些孩子

如果這些新兵們也喜歡聽故事  我能燃起他們對聽故事/看故事的興趣 


故事說演不久  圖書館負責人李小姐拿著相機  東照照  西照照

竟然請孩子們為我鼓鼓掌  為的就是那一秒的喀擦 

哎呀! 這...這不是太矯情了嗎? 孩子們的言語表情是不會騙人的

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也請 Steve媽嗎幫忙照相


What on Earth Can It Be?


An Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything

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 Go Away, Big Green Monster!

Big Green Monster.jpg


        A Color of His Own

A Color of His Own.jpg


      Halloween Colors




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   The Giving Tree             



   Halloween Colors



The Mixed-up Chameleon



到了圖書館時  剛好十點  暗自慶幸沒有遲到時  聽見兒童室傳來了麥克風帶活動的聲音

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果真  還是被晃點了(第2次)

有些失落  原本夢想這是我繪本說故事魔法班的處女航呢!



到圖書館時  原本以為媽媽和孩子們都已就位等待

結果竟是我第一個到  失望的開始   再加上人數少  小貓兩三隻  (不是說今天討論上課內容嗎?)

麥克風沒充電  派不上用場  向阿伯借的 CD player 沒插座   (那我的帶動唱怎麼進行哪?)

還是要振作  於是  落寞的心情  伴隨著無暇拭的汗珠們  語無倫次的結束了故事時間

套句"粉紅色口紅" 壞心婆婆說的"鬱悶啊  真是鬱悶!" 


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又完成了"任重道遠" 的任務


不過  我真的把故事志工當成工作

準備的工夫  時間少不了

甚至講故事前晚  還會擔心故事是否討喜  我能不能將作者的意思清楚地傳達呢?

之前有幾次灰心的經驗   故事才剛開始  孩子們的眼神已經不集中  屁股坐不住

回到家裡  自己反思  究竟哪一個環節扣錯了呢? 哪一個部份該加強語氣呢?  何時該讓孩子們活動活動呢?

Hero 說就把故事志工當作是磨練吧   免費的磨練耶


不是說嗎? Practice makes perfect.

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家長們不會以為  我因為沒開成繪本故事班就不來說故事了吧?





A Color of his Own

The Little Scared Bear


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      WHAT! CRIED  GRANNY     

    WHAT! CRIED GRANNY.jpg               


     Our Granny

Our Granny.jpg


Great-Grandmother's Treasure



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              From Head to Toe


 From Head to Toe.jpg


                          Dear Zoo

Dear Zoo.jpg 


                 Good Night, Gorilla

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                    Silly Willy

Silly Willy.jpg 


           Farmer Duck

Farmer Duck.jpg 


什麼樣的故事能讓孩子們著迷呢?   這些日子來累積的經驗告訴我   能讓孩子"動起來"的故事最討喜

讓孩子們當故事裡的主角  感受主角的感受  不管是淘氣  沮喪  傷心   還是開心

今天好多人自願要當Silly Willy    因為我帶了一些道具    一條林大頭的運動褲   一頂泳帽   一副手套

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                    Silly Willy

Silly Willy.jpg 


           Farmer Duck

Farmer Duck.jpg 


什麼樣的故事能讓孩子們著迷呢?   這些日子來累積的經驗告訴我   能讓孩子"動起來"的故事最討喜

讓孩子們當故事裡的主角  感受主角的感受  不管是淘氣  沮喪  傷心   還是開心

今天好多人自願要當Silly Willy    因為我帶了一些道具    一條林大頭的運動褲   一頂泳帽   一副手套

孩子們愛死了角色扮演   將長褲套在頭上   將泳帽戴在鼻子上   將手套穿在腳上   

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                Guess how much I love you

Guess how much I love you.jpg 








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           Guess how much I love you

Guess how much I love you.jpg 


順應主題週 Father's Day

找了我很喜歡的親子故事 Guess how much I love you

結果  結果  實在太失敗了

一開始 的對話說起吧

Little Nutbrown Hare said, "I love you this much, stretching out his arms as wide as they could go. Big Nutbrown Hare had even longer arms. "But I love YOU this much," he said.

小朋友的反應 理解力~~ 行


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                Did You See My Mom?

Did You See My Mom-1.jpg 


There was an old lady who swallowed the sea

There was an old lady who swallowed the sea.jpg 

今天的故事時間  成功!

講了兩個之前講過的故事 Did You See My Mom?  以及

There was an old lady who swallowed the sea


讓孩子想要參與  engaging children 英文這麼講究對了

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 It was an aweful storytelling. What was I nervous for? What was I sacred of? Parents? Or...me?

I was totally defeated by my ego. I wanted badly to prove to myself that I could do it. And I

failed my ego. That's exactly how it had happened.


當快被自己打敗時,再加上離席的小朋友愈來愈多時 ;

當自己口吃,語意不清時 ,



1. There was an old lady who swallowed the sea

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Equipped myself with a headphone set and a smile and confidence, I began telling my first story "What Color is Your Underwear?" This time, I learned to slow down my pace and added the recall time after finishing the story. It worked! While slowing down my pace of storytelling, I relaxed bit by bit and immersed in children's anticipation and laughter. Kids made predictions of the colors of underwears the animals would wear. And they loved to come to the front, lifted up the flip-up and found out the color of the underwear the animal put on. This is an intriguing book, I would say. I don't need to ask the children whether they like the book. It's all written on their faces. The funny part of the story was that the elephonat forgot to put his underwear on. I paused and tried to induce children's experiences of running around places with and without the underwear on. One of the girl told us her mother once went shopping with underwear on. You will never know what kids are going to say.

The second story "The Grouchy Ladybug" was a longer one. Like I had expected, some of kids learned to say the lines of the grouchy ladybug "Hey you, want to fight?" "No, you are not big enough." I was a sweaty and exuberant storyteller when I presented this story. Oh, and the girl whose mother went shopping with her underwear on was impatient when I gave examples of a grouchy kid would do. Maybe she could not wait to hear out the story?!

The two books are all written in English. One of the boys pointed it out before I shared the stories. Nevertheless, none of the kids whined about the diffuculty or the  infamiliarity of the English-written storybooks. I found it surprising. This confirmed Ms Wong' s (author of 培養孩子的英文耳朵) viewpoint of increasing children's listening and speaking abilities by reading or telling children stories that amused them. Ms Wong stated in her book that the motivation of keeping children lisenting to storytellers was the storybook itself. And whild children were drawn to the story, it was the perfect timing of introducing a foreign language (English) to children!!

It was 11 o'clock sharp when I finished the second story (Good timing!). (When I announed that it was 11 that the storytime was up. The boy who firstly noticed the English-written storybooks shouted out "eleven, e-l-e-v-e-n." Ha, funny.) Role play was not going to happen today. The animals props I brought along were quietly sitting in my big bag. Maybe next time!!

Oh, and the picture you see above is the refined version of the whale. Hero made this for me at 1 A.M. right after the football game.  (Milco and Taco were toying with it while I was taking the pictures.)

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