It was an aweful storytelling. What was I nervous for? What was I sacred of? Parents?
I was totally defeated by my ego. I wanted badly to prove to myself that I could do it. And I
failed my ego. That's exactly how it had happened.
當快被自己打敗時,再加上離席的小朋友愈來愈多時 ;
當自己口吃,語意不清時 ,
1. There was an old lady who swallowed the sea
一直想說孩子們聽不懂 There was an old lady who swallowed a fish,
She swalloed the fish as she swam int he sea.
Merrily, she swam in the sea!
Oh ho! Dear me!
或是 There was an old lady who swallowed a crab,
Oh how fab, to swallow a crab!
She swallowed the crab to chase the fish.
並沒有! 所以太自以為是,成見太深,設限太多,壞了原始文本 ,也讓自己口齒不清。
唱 (consistency) 。
Retelling 的部份就不用費心了,old lady puppet 拿出來後,接下來就由小朋友來引導了。
* squid 發音要查清楚 /swId/。 今天有小朋友看到squid 時,說它是octopus,是嗎??
2. Penelope at School!
這是一本操作書。 前一天晚上和林桑看得嘖嘖稱奇, 林桑還幫忙修補損壞的頁面。
結果小朋友是喜歡來動手操作啦,可是語言學習的層面呢? Zero!
是我引導的不好,一開始也該先將可移動的人物或物品歸位才是,所以才犯了明顯的錯誤 。
明明是Penelope 要將外套掛好, 我卻說成了要從掛架上拿下外套。
明明是設計要將椅子拉近書桌, 卻因為未先歸位破壞了驚喜。 唉喔! 這個老師怎麼把小朋友
搞得一愣一楞地? 我想我就是照著故事讀, 很清楚地, 有條不問紊地, 然後請小朋友來操
作, 就可以了! 不需要再去paraprase, 我怎麼這麼愛paraprase 呢?
3. Did You See My Mom?
這是一本重複性高,可以帶出重複句型Did you see my mom? No, I didn't. 以及顏色和形
狀的故事書。內容並不特別有趣,但老師會想要嘗試說說看的故事書。 也就在這個時候,
1. 在介紹遇到的butterfly時, 我可以請小朋友看看他們的長相, 並重複說說關鍵字。
例如 Nina sees a lady with pink circle wings. Cirle, cirlce, cirle. Pink cicle wings.
Then she sees a lady with red oval wings. Oval, oval, oval. Red oval wings.
2. 遇到的蝴蝶依據他們的神情做出動作
例如 the lady with orange square wings 正在指揮交通, 我可以把手揮一揮,冷冷的說
No, I didn't !
3. 或許說完故事後,可以請他們說說不同型狀的東西 。
Circle, circle, circle, what is circle? (模仿Ecco老師Big, big, big, what is big?)
4. 今天的延伸活動,老實說, 我不知道成不成功, 留下來的小朋友很少 , 他們倒是很喜
歡到白板來貼翅膀就是, 是不是該做一些蝴蝶道具呢?
5. 今天還自己編了一首color song呢 (結合原創Ecco 老師)
Red, red, red, touch your head,
Blue, blue, blue, tie your shoe
Yellow, yellow, yellow, say hello
Green, green, green, bow to the queen.