Silly Willy
Farmer Duck
什麼樣的故事能讓孩子們著迷呢? 這些日子來累積的經驗告訴我 能讓孩子"動起來"的故事最討喜
讓孩子們當故事裡的主角 感受主角的感受 不管是淘氣 沮喪 傷心 還是開心
今天好多人自願要當Silly Willy 因為我帶了一些道具 一條林大頭的運動褲 一頂泳帽 一副手套
孩子們愛死了角色扮演 將長褲套在頭上 將泳帽戴在鼻子上 將手套穿在腳上
真可惜 沒能將孩子可愛的模樣照相做紀念
這次是我將Silly Willy 說得最棒的一次 (鼓勵鼓勵!)
"互動" "共鳴" 是成功演說故事很重要的關鍵喔! 牢記 牢記!
之前以全英文來講述這個故事 很可惜 力道不夠 (也或許是孩子們的程度不夠)
這次 我以中英文雙管齊下 在農夫鴨子淚汪汪地向好朋友訴苦時
我慢下腳步 博取孩子們的同情心 問了小朋友
"農夫鴨子從早忙到晚 而且都沒有吃東西 他做了哪些工作呢?"
小朋友們開始回想.... 洗碗 趕母雞 牽牛 背羊回來
He did the dishes. He put the hens in the house.
He fetched the cow from the field.
He brought the sheep from the hill.
很開心的是 孩子們在我多敘述了幾次懶惰農夫的么喝後
當我說 Farmer Duck chopped the log. He chopped, chopped, choped. (原本說cut 想想chop 比較適合)
The lazy farmer called, "how goes the work?"
Farmer Duck answered, "Quack!"
有幾位小朋友已經迫不及待要說這兩句了 哈
P. S. 後記
突發奇想 來個角色扮演吧!
所以啊 有人當lazy farmer 有人當cow 有人當sheep 有人當hens
一面追 一面說mooooooo 一面說baaaaaaa 一面說cluck cluck cluck cluck
The duck fetched the cow from the field.
"How goes the work?" called the farmer.
The duck brought the sheep from the hill.
"How goes the work?" called the farmer.
The duck put the hens in their house.
"How goes the work?" called the farmer.
The duck answered, "Quack!"
"How goes the work?"
"How goes the work?"
"How goes the work?"
"How goes the work?"
"How goes the work?"
"How goes the work?"
They lifted his bed and he started to shout, and they banged and the bounced the old farmer about and about and about, right out of the bed...