The Crocodile and the Dentist


by Taro Gomi

ê 英文介紹 

The crocodile has a toothache, but he’s afraid of the dentist. And the dentist is afraid of him, too! What will they do?


ê 中文介紹 



ê 故事字彙

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Pig Out!



我這次要分享的故事是 Pig Out



而且今天有照片為證  紀錄起來就更完整了

謝謝熱心的Carol 媽咪幫忙照相喔

會認識 Carol 這麼古錐的 一家人


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    Picky Nicky


ê 英文介紹 

Picky Nicky does not eat anything but spaghetti! Her parents tried to talk her into eating healthy peas, carrots and pears. Nicky says no to all the fruits. How are Nicky’s parents going to convince her?

ê 中文介紹 

挑食的Nicky只想吃義大利肉醬麵!爸媽說,抱歉,沒有義大利肉醬麵,只有有益身體健康的豆子(peas)、紅蘿蔔(carrot)、葡萄(grapes) 和梨子(pear)。 Nicky 便說,那我寧願吃蜜蜂(bee)、鸚鵡(parrot)、大猩猩(ape) 跟熊(bear)!最後爸媽用什麼方法讓挑食的Nicky把健康的蔬菜水果吃下肚?


1. picky 挑剔的、挑嘴的

2. peas 豆子

3. spaghetti 義大利麵

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     Pig Out!

Pig Out  

ê 英文介紹 

The Pig Family is excited about going on a picnic. They stuffed lots of food in the basket.

Too bad, the basket was too heavy to pick up! It turned out to be a pizza party at home!

ê 中文介紹 




於是豬媽媽叫了一車的 pizza!

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My Heart is Like a Zoo by Michael Hall


ê 英文介紹 

A heart can be hopeful, or silly, or happy.

A heart can be rugged, or snappy, or lonely.

A heart holds every different feeling, and the author Michael Hall captures each one with a delicate touch.

ê 中文介紹 



這個作者Michael Hall 是不是一個很棒的藝術家呢?

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Round is a Mooncake


ê 英文介紹 

A little girl's neighborhood becomes a discovery ground of things round, square and rectangular in this picture book.

Round rice bowls and a pebble, square dim sum and the boxes of pizzas,rectangular sacks of rice and a very special pencil case. 

ê 中文介紹 

有什麼東西是圓形的呢? 月亮是圓的、月餅是圓的,窗外懸掛的燈籠也是圓的。


ê       動: 猜猜我是誰? 

今天老師帶了好多積木要來和大家玩Guess who I am? 猜猜我是誰? 」。

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How Spider Saved Valentine's Day (By Robert Kraus)


ê 英文介紹 

Because his caterpillar classmates were always asleep,

Spider had forgotten to bring valentines for them.

Will Spider find a way to give a Valentine's Day wish? 

ê 中文介紹 




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I Need a Valentine (by Harrient Ziefert)


ê 英文介紹 

“If you send a valentine, you’ll receive one,”

Margery’s mother tells her. So Margary sends a valentine to her grandpa,

and she waits and waits. Will she ever get one?.

ê 中文介紹 

今天是2月14日,是西洋情人節 (Valentine’s Day) 呢!



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Love You Forever (by Robert Munsch)

Love You Forever.jpg

ê 英文介紹 

The mother sings to her baby "I'll love you forever / I'll love you for always / As long as I'm living / My baby you'll be."

She still sings the same song when her baby has grown up.

When her son leaves home, she drives across town with a ladder on the car roof,

climbing through her son's window, and rocking the sleeping man in the same way.

The day comes when she's too old and sick to hold him, and the roles are reversed.

ê 中文介紹 


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Dragon Dance (by Joan Holub)

Dragon Dance.jpg

ê 英文介紹 

It's Chinese New Year and there are so many fun things to do--

shop at the outdoor market for fresh flowers,

eat New Year's dinner with the whole family,

receive red envelopes from Grandma and Grandpa, a

nd best of the spectacular New Year's parade! 


ê 中文介紹 

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