Silly Willy

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by Mary;ann Cocoa-Leffler

Silly Willy loves to get dressed in a funny way--he puts pants on his head, socks on his ears, and the rest of his clothes in unusual places. What is Willy going to be?


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  The Sleeping Pig

The Sleeping Pig.jpg  

by Carmen Tafolla and jan Epton Seale

A pig won’t get out of the watermelon patch. A small hero finally gets the pig to move.

有一天早上, Celina在她的西瓜園裡發現一隻豬 (Mrs. Pig)! 她怎麼喊叫都叫不醒Mrs. Pig。 好朋友們兔子、蛇、騾子都來幫忙,可是Mrs. Pig 還是不肯起床。最後,竟是一隻小蟋蟀立了大功….

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The Raven and the Fox

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by Gerald Rose

The raven has some cheese, but the fox wants it, too!

一隻烏鴉偷到一塊起司,停在樹上。 狐狸看到了,很想吃那塊起司,就到樹下對烏鴉說:「你的身體真是美麗啊!你的歌聲一定也很好聽,你能為我高歌一曲嗎?」烏鴉聽了高興極了!為了想顯示自己的聲音很好聽,就開口大叫一聲,嘴裡的起司就掉下去了。

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The Tiger Who Came to Tea


The Tiger Who Came to Tea.jpg  

 by Judith Kerr

The doorbell rings Just as Sophie and her mummy are sitting down to tea. Who could it possibly be? What they certainly don’t expect to see at the door is a big furry, stripy tiger!

蘇菲的家來了個訪客,是隻飢餓的獅子。 蘇菲與媽媽大方和善地分享了他們的下午茶。但獅子似乎還是不滿足,牠吃光了家裡所有的食物後才禮貌的離開。爸爸回來了,家裡沒有東西可以當晚餐,連蘇菲要洗澡.浴缸裡的水也都被獅子會喝個精光。這該怎麼辦呢? 最後,爸爸決定帶全家到餐廳享用一頓難得的晚餐。

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by Frank Asch

Little Bear said to the moon, “Let’s play hide and seek! First I’ll hide and you find me.” He looked inside the hollow tree, he looked behind the rock… he could not find the moon. Where did the moon go?

Little Bear和月亮玩捉迷藏,玩著玩著月亮就不見了,小熊急著要大家幫忙找,到底月亮朵去哪了呢?…

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The Three Little Pigs

The Three Little Pigs  

“To build a house,” the third pig said, “I know the thing to choose. Not straw or sticks, but solid bricks. Yes, they’re the things to use.”


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Clifford's Schoolhouse


Let’s go to school with everybody’s favorite big red dog-Clifford! What will Clifford learn at school? Letters abc? Numbers123? Colors? Or Shapes?

Clifford 是隻家喻戶曉,人氣高的大紅狗。Clifford 和小朋友一樣,也到了上小學的年紀了。今天我們要跟著Clifford 到學校去,看看Clifford 在學校學了什麼?英文字母 abc? 數字123?不同的顏色?還是各式各樣的形狀?

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Sarah the Spider

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Sarah the Spider is a dancer. She dreams one day she will be the star of the show. But her greatest passion is for her collection of boots and shoes. So, when she discovers that her favorite boot has gone missing, she falls into despair. Fortunately, Barney Owl comes to her rescue and goes after the thief…

Sarah 是一隻蜘蛛也是一個舞者。她夢想著有一天能當舞台上的明星。不過她最大的熱情是她收集的各式各樣、不同顏色的鞋子!所以,當有一天,她發現她最喜歡的一隻靴子不見時,她絕望極了。還好,貓頭鷹幫她解決了這難題…

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A Mouse in the House

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Gran has got a little problem- there’s a mouse in her house and it’s eating her cheese. Now, that’s an easy thing to sort out, isn’t it?



改編了 "Farmer in the Dell"

Grandma in the house, Grandma in the house,

O-hi-O-D-E-R-I-O Grandma in the house.

(Mouse, cat, dog, fleas)


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Katy Cat and Beaky Boo


Find out about Katy Cat and Beaky Boo-what color they are, the clothes they wear, the food they like to eat, where they live- and all their friends, too!

這本有趣的翻翻書介紹了貓咪 Katy 和小鳥 Beaky Boo 的顏色、穿的衣服、喜歡吃的食物、家在哪兒,還有他們的朋友!


What's That Smell?


“What’s that lovely smell?” says Kitty, looking up. There’s big juicy fish on top of the cupboard- but Kitty can’t reach it! What should she do? “I know, “says Kitty. “It’s easy peasy!” But is it?

是什麼味道這麼香呢? 貓咪 Kitty 往上看了看。原來在櫃子最上端有一盤香氣四溢的魚。可是 Kitty 拿不到!她要怎麼辦呢? 

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