Katy Cat and Beaky Boo
Find out about Katy Cat and Beaky Boo-what color they are, the clothes they wear, the food they like to eat, where they live- and all their friends, too!
這本有趣的翻翻書介紹了貓咪 Katy 和小鳥 Beaky Boo 的顏色、穿的衣服、喜歡吃的食物、家在哪兒,還有他們的朋友!
What's That Smell?
“What’s that lovely smell?” says Kitty, looking up. There’s big juicy fish on top of the cupboard- but Kitty can’t reach it! What should she do? “I know, “says Kitty. “It’s easy peasy!” But is it?
是什麼味道這麼香呢? 貓咪 Kitty 往上看了看。原來在櫃子最上端有一盤香氣四溢的魚。可是 Kitty 拿不到!她要怎麼辦呢?