No, David!
David Goes to School.
Too Little Too Big
What Color is Your Underwear?
The second time is alwasy better. At first, only two or three kids came to the story corner when I annouced storyt time. As I progressd to the end of the second story "Too Big and too Little," more kids joined in. Today, I told four stories "What Color is Your Underwear?" "No, David" "David Goes to School" and "Too Big and too Little." Kids seemed to enjoy David series. They giggled or laughed out loud when they saw David's naughty-doing. And I happened to notice that one of the parent took out her notebook and write down the names of all the storybooks I brought along.
On the way home, Hero and I talked about how I should have done better to improve the effectiveness of storytelling. We came up with the following "action points."
1. Recall time is necessary.
2. Videotape the whole session of storytelling.
3. Slow down, slow down, slow down.
4. Find the storytelling clips in "Youtube," learn more storytelling techniques.
5. Reward.
6. A brief "Book talk" (title, autor, summary)
7. Microphone?