My volunteer storytelling in Tsao-Tun Library was not a successful and satisfying experience.

I was like 10 minutes earlier than the appointed story time. I went over the bookshelves and

only found a couple of storybooks that I thought "presentable."The audience was not supportive.

Only a few of them sit through my storytelling. First time, failed, period.

I promised Ms Lee that I would be there the first and third Saturday every month. I hope I was

not asking myself trouble. The next step was to find the books I find interesting and add more

fun to it. Fingerplay at the beginning? Does it look like we are having English class? Songs?

Songs would be better. I will need to ask Ms Lee for a CD player. Maybe I should check out

children's books from Nantou Library and bring them to Tsao-Tun? That's ironic!


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