Birthday Surprise
by Louis Sabin
Sammy is sad when no one seems to remember his birthday. One day, Sammy gets a big, red box. He opens the box, inside is a party hat. Who sends a party hat to Sammy?
Sammy 的生日到了。可是,似乎沒人記得他的生日。有一天,他收到了一個好大好大的盒子,裡面又有幾個小盒子,打開小盒子,裡面有一頂派對帽!是誰送給他派對帽呢?
birthday 生日
surprise 驚喜
box 盒子
party hat 派對帽
Happy Birthday! 生日快樂
1. 仔細聽,猜一猜,說說盒子裡面是什麼?
What’s inside the red box?
2. 英文句型仿寫
Sammy opens the box.
Inside is a red box. (Sammy 打開了盒子,裡面是一個紅色的盒子。)
(From left to right: Peggy, Evelyn, Doris)
Peggy 的創作: Peggy opens the box. Inside is a red clock.
Evelyn 的創作: Evelyn opens the box. Inside is a pink dress.
Doris 的創作: Doris opens the box. Inside is a pink dress.