A New House for Mouse
by Petr Horacek
Mouse is little and so is her house - but her apple is huge. She needs to find a home that is big enough for the both of them. But as she visits all sorts of other creatures to see if she can share their homes, her apple shrinks and shrinks - she's been nibbling it away! Will she be able to find a new home?
小老鼠今天運氣真好,在自家洞口發現一顆又大又紅的蘋果,無奈家門洞穴太小,不能把蘋果搬進家,小老鼠便決定出發為自己和牠的蘋果找個新家。每當小老鼠找到一個較大的住處,裡頭早就已有其他動物居住,根本沒有多餘的空間容納下牠與牠的蘋果,就這樣找啊找,小老鼠終於找到一個超大的洞,這一次又有什麼動物住在裡頭呢? 牠真的能如願搬進這個新家嗎?
ê Story Vocabulary 故事字彙
mouse 老鼠
apple 蘋果
huge 超大的
hole 洞
nibbled 一點點地咬
~ Role Play 角色扮演 ~
演戲時間到囉! 誰要當老鼠? 誰要扮演小白兔或大熊? 藉著演戲,孩子們可以投射對故事角色的感情,最開心的是,孩子們可以用英語將角色模擬出來,是不是很棒呢?
Apple: Zole
Mouse: Chris
Mole: Sam
Badger: Jeter
Rabbit: Peggy
Bear: Gordon
Evaluators: Evelyn and Bella
Little Mouse looked out of the window and saw a huge apple.
He pulled and pulled. He could not get the huge apple in the house.
Little Mouse: My house is too small. I need a bigger house for me and my apple.
Little Mouse: Hello, Mole. I need a bigger house for me and my apple. Can I live with you?
Mole: I'm sorry. My home is full of books. There's no room for you and your apple.
Looking for the bigger house makes Little Mouse hungry. She nibbled on the apple.
Little Mouse: Yum, Yum.
Little Mouse: Hello, Badger. I'm looking for a bigger house for me and my apple.
Can I live with you?
Badger: I'm sorry. My home is full of cushions. There's no room for you and your apple.
Little Mouse: Hello, Rabbit. I'm looking for a bigger hosue for me and my apple. Can I live with you?
Rabbit: I'm sorry. My home is full of cabbages. There's no room for you and your apple.
Bear: Hello, Little Mouse. Why don't you come and live with me?
Little Mouse: No, thanks.
Everybody: Run, Little Mouse. Run!
有的孩子雖未分派到角色 但並沒有閒著喔
她們是小小評分員 來看看小演員們得了幾分?
哇! Mole 得了3分
Rabbit 有2分
Bear 也是滿分3分呢!
~ Beginning Sound 我會分辨字首音~
~ Worksheet 語文學習單~
小老鼠想要找更大的房子,找到了Mole,Rabbit, Badger,和 Bear的家。可是為什麼他們都拒絕小老鼠的請求呢? 小朋友,回想一下,他們的理由是什麼呢? 將答案填入學習單。