
Guess how much I love you

Guess how much I love you.jpg 

順應主題週Father's Day

找了我很喜歡的親子故事Guess how much I love you

結果  結果  實在太失敗了

一開始 Little Nutbrown Hare said, "I love you this much, stretching out his arms as wide as they could go.  Big Nutbrown Hare had even longer arms. "But I love YOU this much," he said.

小朋友的反應 理解力 行

再來 "I love you as high as I can reach,"  said Little Nutbrwon Hare. "I love yo as high as I can reach," said Big Nutbrown Hare.

小朋友的反應  可以接受


Little Nutbrwon Hare tumbled upside down and reached up the tree trunk with his feet. "I love you all the way up to my toes!" he said. "And I love you all the way up to your toes," said Big Nutbrown Hare, swinging him up over his head.

接下來是  老師 我怎麼都不知道你在說什麼呀 Big Nutbrown Hare 和 Little Nutbrown Hare 和river 和 hill 有捨關聯呢?

" I love you all the way down the lane as far as the river," cried Little Nutbrown Hare. "I love you across the river and over the hills," said Big Nutbrown Hare.


"I love you right up to the MOON, " Little Nutbrown Hare said, and closed his eyes. "I love you right up to the moon- AND BACK." Big Nutbrown Hare said.

所有小朋友沒有任何表情 根本不知道剛剛說了一番多麼有哲理 多麼動人心弦的話


怎麼都沒人事先告訴我  會是這樣呢

所有部落格的分享都是對這個繪本讚賞有加  也沒有人分享小朋友無法理解其中涵義呀

好 這次失敗 不打緊 星期六在草屯圖書館再說一次!

    創作者 Jodie 的頭像

    南投的好地方~ Jodie英文繪本故事屋

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